Stella Schwake

Born 1993 in Detmold, Stella Schwake studied art sciences in Berlin and Bologna, Italy, and European media studies in Potsdam and London, UK.

In her studies she dealt with the history of images, expression through architecture and produced video works critical of consumption and the system.
 Her Bachelor‘s degree taught her the theory of practice, her Master‘s degree the practice of theory.

Stella‘s artistic works are defined by intense colourings in symbiosis and contrast. Her art is difficult to place in the typical classifications of art. Her works move between expression and modern post-social media art.
It is about new forms as a symbol for necessary change, about the process of finding form, expression and what can be discovered in it. In her use of colour and form, she searches for contrasting and new ways of representing intersdisciplinary feminism and the omnipresence of the doom of our planet. In doing so, Stella allows the viewer to enter her wild world of thought.

Stella Schwake lives and works in Berlin.

Copyright by Stella Schwake. All rights reserved. 2024
No reproduction or further use of these works are allowed without the written permission from the copyright owner.

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